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Emerging Areas


Ascendant Practice Groups

Democracy Protection

Voting Access, Electoral Security, Fair Fundraising and Campaign Practices, and No One Is Above the Law policies are among the many facets of governing that face a critical threat in recent years.

Reproductive Rights

A woman’s right to control her own body and life planning, with the best medical advice, counseling, and family support have been Constitutionally guaranteed for fifty years.

LGBTQ+ Protections

The LGBTQ+ communities have received the rights to marry, adopt, and live openly as families, yet many of these rights are being stripped away or threatened based upon recent policies and opinions

Gun Safety

HaymesLaw has represented crime victims spanning across four decades, but lately matters have gotten worse, as access to weapons of war and the inability to protect the innocent from mass shootings has never…

Consumer Protection

Technology development, online agreements and cavalier attitudes towards fairness have escalated the consumer’s vulnerability to financial risk, at a staggering rate. to A wide range of modern threats include one-sided agreements clicked…

Widespread Discrimination

Unfair treatment exists in plain view and less obvious ways in employment, wages, background checks, access to housing, mortgages, appraisals, interest rates, business loans, credit approvals, access to healthcare,

Climate Change

Every step that we can take, or advance, that helps to stem climate erosion is a move that helps to protect the world we live in, for us, and generations to come.

Food and Housing Security

Too many persons in the USA are going hungry, and going without adequate shelter, while their children are too often subjected to a slanted approach to studies with inadequate safety circumstances and staffing.

Education Integrity

It is crucial that the teaching process remains genuine, with a truth-seeking approach to all history, science, and related subjects, that is unobstructed by ill-founded theories and political rhetoric.

We are a full-service law firm able to provide assistance at any time.

305 379-7900

·  Avail. 24 Hrs., 7 Days

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